FMburgh Survey Results for April 2021

At the April meeting of  FMburgh (the Pittsburgh FileMaker Developer Group), the agenda included a roundtable discussion centered around the topic FileMaker Forensic Investigations. We discussed the tips and tricks that have helped us figure out what was really going on when any issues arose. As part of our post-meeting survey, we asked the attendees if they left the meeting with a new technique or two for finding and addressing those problems they may encounter in their development and programming. We also asked how they collect system requirements when beginning a new project. Finally, we learned the majority does not feel too optimistic about the 2021 season for the Pittsburgh Pirates. All of the answers revealed at the May 2021 meeting of FMburgh are listed below.

Q1) Having attended the roundtable discussion “FileMaker Forensics Investigations”, you…

10.0% – Are ready to solve any problem FileMaker throws at you.
50.0% – Got a number of useful tips and techniques to add to your arsenal.
20.0% – Feel good about addressing the most common issues that arise.
0.00% – Have a better idea on how to begin the troubleshooting process.
20.0% – Are still going to leave the problem solving to the experts.

Q2) When gathering system requirements for a new project, which tools do you typically use? (Check all that apply)

10.00% – OmniGraffle
10.00% – Visio
10.00% – BBEdit
10.00% – Visual Studio Code
30.00% – Whiteboard
30.00% – Balsamiq Wireframes
30.00% – Excel or Number
30.00% – PowerPoint or Keynote
30.00% – Word or Pages
50.00% – NotePad, WordPad, or other text editor
70.00% – Evernote, Microsoft OneNote, Apple Notes, or equivalent
80.00% – FileMaker Pro
100.0% – Pen and paper

Q3) This season, the Pittsburgh Pirates will…

60.0% – Continue to struggle and have another losing season.
20.0% – Make a small step forward and have a winning season but miss the playoffs.
10.0% – Return to the playoffs as a wild card team.
10.0% – Take a big step forward and win the division.
0.00% – Shock every baseball expert and win the World Series.


If you responded to the April 2021 survey, we thank you for your participation. And whether you did or not, we also thank you for checking out the results. To join in on the fun, click here to submit your answers for May’s survey.