Yearly Reviews and Resolutions

A new year means new resolutions to improve ourselves and our lives in hopes that next year, we can reflect on what we have accomplished and then take on new adventures. Also, unlike what I see at the gym in the beginning of the year where high attendance drops off after a month or so, hopefully our ambitions do not fade that fast. With that threat, if you’re like me, I tend to not make any, especially since the new year seems to creep up too fast. However, since yearly reviews are coming up soon, which ask for my goals for the year, I must then think about them for my own sake. (Incidentally, one of my goals for last year was to become a FileMaker blogger.)

The information technology industry is well known for always changing, meaning that we always have new goals to work toward. FileMaker 15 was introduced to us with all its features, as well as its deployment with the Amazon Web Services, and the iOS SDK for FileMaker, giving us many things to learn. Even with all that, we are still looking towards the next version of FileMaker, wondering and hoping for what is in that package that we can unwrap. Conferences, webinars, blogs, and other learning opportunities dedicated to each new feature will aide our progression of achievement in knowledge.

In order to get to the next step, we have to realize what we already know and what we need to know. As one of my teachers had taught me, “You are only as strong your weakest point.” (This was in reference to physical fitness but can be applied elsewhere.) They then taught me to take small steps from the beginning to get to where I need to go. Looking at my progress motivates me to move forward, and before too long, the problems I found difficult at first are now easy. In terms of FileMaker, I have some goals that seem monumental, i.e. dealing with certifications, DevCon, and other things. However, I have already taken steps that make me more confident in achieving my goals, whether they be big or small.

I wish you the best in the achievement of your new year resolutions!